Agility Training
To be able to attend agility training you must first have completed the club’s minimum requirements for obedience training classes. Handler and dog must have reached at least Class 3 to be able to start agility training and be assessed by the relevant instructor.
Members to sign in at arrival.
All members to help to set up the Agility equipment and at the end of the night help put the equipment on the trailer and push the trailer in to the shed.
New handlers are welcome (dogs must be one year old due to the physical stress on young dogs).
Dogs will be assessed, for health requirements and basic Obedience (minimum standard – Class 3 formal obedience classes on Monday night).
Dogs should wear flat collars for Agility training.
No dogs off lead unless working in the Agility ring.
The one metre rule between dogs to be practiced at all times.
Safe handling practice for lifting and shifting equipment. (For heavy equipment preferably four helpers)
Handlers are not to play with their dogs close to the ring as this can create a problem / distraction for other Members working with their dogs in the ring.